Tag: Seafood

Fish sticks on a plate with lime wedges and green dipping sauce.
Seafood Recipes

Fish Stick

Hey there, friends! Today I want to share a fun take on fish sticks that’s super crispy, delicious, and easy to make at home. I’ve been hooked on fish sticks since I was a kid. They remind me of cozy weekends with my family, the smell of something tasty wafting […]

Fish Popcorn served with sauces on a wooden table.
Appetizers, Seafood Recipes

Fish Popcorn

I love this dish because it reminds me of Taiwanese popcorn chicken and those irresistible restaurant-style crispy fish bites. But guess what? It’s fish instead of chicken—so it’s a fun twist! My inspiration came from watching so many creative popcorn shrimp and KFC-style fish videos. One day, I thought, “Why […]